Circle Strategies

Enhancing Company Culture at I Heart EBITDA, LLC ​

December, 2024

In December 2024, I Heart EBITDA, LLC conducted a comprehensive company culture workshop to gain deeper insights into employee engagement and identify growth opportunities. The three-hour session, complemented by an employee survey and StrengthsFinder assessments, revealed key strengths such as a strong teamwork ethic, exceptional financial services delivery, and a consistent focus on work-life balance. Employees expressed high satisfaction, with 87% reporting positive engagement.
The leadership team’s top strengths—Relator and Strategic—offer a solid foundation for fostering authentic client relationships and guiding the company’s long-term vision. However, the workshop also highlighted areas for improvement, including communication clarity, cross- departmental collaboration, and career development opportunities. Recommendations focused on implementing structured feedback channels, introducing training programs via the MindMarker LMS, and enhancing onboarding processes to support new hires. By prioritizing transparent communication, empowering middle management, and fostering a culture of recognition, I Heart EBITDA is poised to build a more connected, motivated workforce that aligns with its strategic goals for growth and client

Providing Benefits for Small Employers

January, 2025

Tom’s Hood Cleaning, LLC, a Massachusetts-based company with 25 employees, specializes in cleaning exhaust hoods for restaurants. Recognizing the demanding nature of the work, Tom sought to improve employee retention by offering competitive pay and attractive benefits. He implemented a creative bonus system that rewards employees with weekly bonuses based on client compliments, van inspections, and a weekly contest. While these efforts helped boost morale, Tom realized that a more comprehensive benefits strategy was needed to support his team’s long-term well-being. 

To address this, Tom introduced a new benefits program that provides employees with a stipend for health insurance and accident benefits. This stipend helps employees manage co-payments and deductibles, ensuring better access to healthcare. The program is inclusive, offering the stipend to all employees regardless of whether they purchase insurance independently or receive coverage through another source. 

The stipend-based approach to benefits offers several key advantages for Tom’s Hood Cleaning, LLC:

  • Flexibility: The program allows Tom to provide tailored benefits that meet the diverse needs of his workforce, while giving employees the freedom to choose coverage that best fits their circumstances.
  • Tax Advantages: Employees benefit from tax-free reimbursements, reducing their overall healthcare costs without increasing the company’s tax burden.
  • Portability: The benefits are portable, meaning employees can retain their health coverage even if they change jobs, adding an extra layer of security and satisfaction.
  • Compliance: The program is designed to meet all regulatory standards for healthcare coverage, ensuring the company remains compliant with state and federal laws.
  • Payroll Efficiency: Premium contributions are processed pre-tax through payroll, streamlining administration while maximizing cost-effectiveness.

This innovative benefits program has helped Tom’s Hood Cleaning, LLC stand out as an employer that prioritizes employee well-being. By offering meaningful incentives and flexible, cost-effective health coverage, the company has enhanced job satisfaction, improved retention, and positioned itself as a reliable and caring employer within the industry.

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