Circle Strategies

Recruitment and Onboarding

Our Skills Grows Your Team

At Circle Strategies, we pride ourselves on our unparalleled dedication to talent acquisition and onboarding excellence. Bolstered by a team of seasoned professionals and a track record of proven success, we offer the expertise and resources necessary to skillfully identify, cultivate, and unleash the full potential of top-tier talent within any organization.

Where We Can Help:

The Circle Strategies Recruit Process is Unique

With over 25 years of experience, our recruiters have expansive bandwidth when searching for your candidates. We go beyond traditional recruiting methods and build networking programs, both in person and by innovative software, to connect with available, compatible individuals.

Time is money. We understand very well that every day your company goes without filling a position is another day your firm is not operating at maximum capacity. The pressure to fill a position can be overwhelming yet rushing to replace employees with poor fit candidates only results in turnover and a process restart. It is our firm belief that companies must develop smart, forward-thinking solutions to fill vacancies that maximize resources, efficiently deliver results, and make the most of their time and investment.

Business people in the cafe

Let Us Help You Find The Perfect Candidate For Your Position.

Brand Creation​

Our customized client recruiting portal allows candidates access to experience your organization’s culture and a day in the life of your employees. Through testimonials, curated videos, and a concise description of all positions, candidates will learn more about your company.

Casting a Wide Net

There are many possibilities for posting your open positions beyond LinkedIn and Indeed. We place open positions on over twenty free job boards and specifically selected paid job sites. This wide approach connects us with candidates currently working in similar positions to engage and direct them to your company’s open position.

Soft Skills Assessment

The competition for qualified employees has become increasingly more difficult in today’s workforce. To provide your company with a unique advantage, Circle Strategies utilizes a behavioral-based soft skills assessment to enhance your ability to select the right candidate. 

Job Posting

In today’s new workplace, traditional job postings have evolved into an interactive candidate experience. Circle Strategies ensures that your job posting will always have enough hooks to engage and catch the attention of each candidate within roughly a three-second timeframe.



Did you know Circle Strategies offers Global Consulting services to support all your local and global employees and managers? Our proven technology recruiting solutions hone in on nearshoring, providing you with all the best advantages. As a global firm, have you considered your liability for employees who leave the company due to their employee experience? Our employee experience assessment tool uncovers the issues long before an employee considers leaving your global organization. 

How are you addressing employees’ needs for leadership development & coaching? Our team of coaches is certified in Training, Motivation, Team Building, and Skill Development.

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