Circle Strategies


Our Outcomes

  • We start with a deep dive into the current culture – driven by quantitative culture survey data and qualitative measures.

  • We focus on strength – applying proven strategies to help leaders change ingrained ways of thinking and build strategies that energize employees and inspire loyalty and performance.

  • We encourage positive thinking – helping to eliminate workplace culture fears and barriers, we build the desire to change.

  • We understand human behavior – a critical component to our approach of cultural transformation.

  • We make change happen – by aligning leadership with a shared cultural vision and change plan.

Employee engagement and employee belonging/well-being are key metrics and priorities for companies heading towards success. Research shows that unfairness or mistreatment in the workplace is the most frequently cited reason for employee departures, particularly among millennials. This disruption to employee engagement is driving employee turnover and costing companies of all industries billions of dollars a year. It is essential for leading and emerging companies to embrace the next generation of the workforce because this expanding talent will soon become leading influencers in the marketplace.

While there is no one size fits all framework for leadership development, we believe that every leader should develop the following three core 21st-century skills to adapt to the future of work and this ultra-diverse emerging workforce: resilience, inclusive leadership, and humility. Our innovative tools to achieving these skills have the stories to prove it.

Performance management systems are the subject of lively debate, and top priority for smart, forward-thinking organizations. Traditional systems reward individual achievement at the expense of collaboration and teamwork. Goal-setting and annual evaluations perpetuate fixed thinking that is not agile enough for today’s mindset. They reward past effort while ignoring the future and spend too much time on performance appraisal and not enough time on performance improvement. The evidence is in. Performance management is ripe for a change.

Our approach to performance management is to develop pay-for-performance plans that engage employees, drive productivity, and ensure a strong linkage between reward programs and results. We assess current performance management systems to determine their efficacy and identify an approach for the future. Our well-designed performance management strategy will aligns with organizational strategy and support the culture of the organization. By being smart about managing people, we maximize employee productivity, keep key employees engaged, and build real value now and into the future.

We believe strong strategic human resource management delivers great talent, superior performance and strategy execution. Strategic HR is critical to organizational performance. Converging recent megatrends are reshaping organizations, changing employees’ motivations and perceptions of work and redefining the relationships between top-level employees and the organizations that employ them. We help build effective HR teams to meet these changing megatrends.

We work with organizations to redefine and recalibrate their HR functions to thrive going forward. We assess an organization’s current state of HR. We examine different potential structures for the HR function and define key roles. We make sure HR has the talent it needs and identify the next-generation of HR leaders and how to put them in position to succeed. And we develop overarching HR strategies for continued growth and success. We see strategic human resource management as a force for delivering great talent, superior performance and strategy execution.

Our approach to strategy execution is data driven with measurable results. We build effectiveness by aligning HR teams with organizational strategy.

Employees' daily interactions drive inclusion and belonging within organizations. Managing expectations and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is critical for employers, vendors and customers. We follow a process that allows company leaders to move inclusion efforts out of the training room and into workers' hands. When we are teaching employees about inclusion and belonging, we are teaching them about being courageous and our work environments require a psychological safety in the workplace. Our practices encourage managers and employers to meet employees where they are and to change behaviors that create inclusive environments. We accomplish this by:

• Ensuring commitment is crucial to any culture initiative. The strongest predictor of the success of an organizational culture initiative is the level of commitment from senior leadership.
Leading an initiative with data which minimizes reliance on guesswork and grounds a project in objectivity. We collect measurable data points to ensure our assessment of the culture in the organization is accurate.

• Creating a customized organizational roadmap to guide your process and benchmark your progress against objective data. Our step-by-step process creates clarity and reassures your team that progress is being made.

• We have the capacity to implement a variety of methods to engage and develop your organization based on your needs. Evaluating progress by checking in on stated goals and periodically redeploying assessments allows us to stay on track. Sometimes organizational change efforts go off course but we quickly ascertain any derailment and course-correct.

While there is no one size fits all framework for leadership development, we believe that every leader should develop the following three core 21st-century skills to adapt to the future of work and this ultra-diverse emerging workforce: Resilience, Inclusive Leadership, and Humility.

We provide a full range of leadership solutions rooted in current research and experience-based best practices. Our processes develop team excellence through simulation-based and experiential learning, including:

• Building more effective leaders/team members and driving high performance in communication using kinesthetic (the sensation of movement) processes

• Engaging excellence in cross functional collaboration through breakthrough conversations

• Utilizing reflective and experiential processes to develop high-trust teams

Working through these experiential processes, our outcomes include:

• Improved team collaboration using kinesthetic activities to hard-wire learning into long-term memory

• A foundation of trust created through reflection and experiential activities

• Leadership to consistently move the strategic plan forward

These specialized activities take ideas from concepts and put them into a physical experience to build skills and behaviors necessary for growth and success. Through the sensation of movement, kinesthetic engagement yields transformative learning, generating ways your employees think and act. Together, we foster a culture of trust - where team members align, collaborate, commit and innovate.

With over 25 years of experience, our recruiters have the bandwith to tap into a multitude of markets to search for candidates. We go beyond the traditional methods of recruiting and build specific networking programs that connect us to available candidates.

We have built pipelines through school programs, training programs and internship programs. Give us a challenge and we will push through it.

Time is money. And every day a company goes without filling a position is a day that company is not operating at maximum capacity. Pressure to reduce time to fill is overwhelming, yet rushing to replace employees with poor fit candidates only results in turnover and a process restart. It is imperative that companies develop smart, forward-thinking solutions to filling vacancies that maximize resources, efficiently deliver results and make the most of their time and investment.

By leveraging data expertise and insight built over years, outsourced recruitment solutions allow organizations to confidently meet target hiring goals without compromising on quality of candidate. Informed with unparalleled data resources, executed through innovative sourcing strategies, and broadly supported by a worldwide network of experts, our solutions align talent strategies with business strategies to bring the right talent into your organization while reducing recruitment costs.

Organizational Strategy & Effectiveness
While true change can be about a new product or a system change, true change is about people. It requires all employees to understand what a new strategy means for them. To be inspired by it. To be willing to modify habits and behaviors to deliver it. And to feel enabled to make it happen.

We help companies translate their strategy into something they can operationalize, by aligning both the tangible elements of the organization - people, structure and process - and the intangible elements - motivations, relationships and culture.

We understand how to realize employee potential and drive productive behavior. Our cross- business experience provides us the understand how work happens and how to get it done as effectively as possible.

Our thoughtful, data-driven approach supports our clients as they make critical choices about their people, their product and their plan.

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